Privacy Policy

Ef­fec­tive date: June 05, 2018

Karl Georg Scho­bert Prä­zi­sions- Meß­zeug GmbH (“us”, “we”, or “our”) ope­rates the web­site (the “Ser­vice”).

This page in­forms you of our po­li­cies re­gar­ding the coll­ec­tion, use, and dis­clo­sure of per­sonal data when you use our Ser­vice and the choices you have as­so­ciated with that data.

We use your data to pro­vide and im­prove the Ser­vice. By using the Ser­vice, you agree to the coll­ec­tion and use of in­for­ma­tion in ac­cordance with this po­licy. Un­less other­wise de­fined in this Pri­vacy Po­licy, terms used in this Pri­vacy Po­licy have the same mea­nings as in our Terms and Con­di­tions, ac­ces­sible from



Ser­vice is the web­site ope­rated by Karl Georg Scho­bert Prä­zi­sions- Meß­zeug GmbH

Per­sonal Data

Per­sonal Data means data about a li­ving in­di­vi­dual who can be iden­ti­fied from those data (or from those and other in­for­ma­tion either in our pos­ses­sion or li­kely to come into our possession).

Usage Data

Usage Data is data coll­ected au­to­ma­ti­cally either ge­ne­rated by the use of the Ser­vice or from the Ser­vice in­fra­struc­ture itself (for ex­ample, the du­ra­tion of a page visit).


Coo­kies are small pieces of data stored on your de­vice (com­puter or mo­bile device).

Data Con­troller

Data Con­troller means the na­tural or legal person who (either alone or jointly or in common with other per­sons) de­ter­mines the pur­poses for which and the manner in which any per­sonal in­for­ma­tion are, or are to be, processed.

For the pur­pose of this Pri­vacy Po­licy, we are a Data Con­troller of your Per­sonal Data.

Data Pro­ces­sors (or Ser­vice Providers)

Data Pro­cessor (or Ser­vice Pro­vider) means any na­tural or legal person who pro­cesses the data on be­half of the Data Controller.

We may use the ser­vices of va­rious Ser­vice Pro­vi­ders in order to pro­cess your data more effectively.

Data Sub­ject (or User)

Data Sub­ject is any li­ving in­di­vi­dual who is using our Ser­vice and is the sub­ject of Per­sonal Data.

Information Collection and Use

We collect se­veral dif­fe­rent types of in­for­ma­tion for va­rious pur­poses to pro­vide and im­prove our Ser­vice to you.

Types of Data Collected

Personal Data

While using our Ser­vice, we may ask you to pro­vide us with cer­tain per­so­nally iden­ti­fiable in­for­ma­tion that can be used to contact or iden­tify you (“Per­sonal Data”). Per­so­nally iden­ti­fiable in­for­ma­tion may in­clude, but is not li­mited to:

  • Email ad­dress
  • First name and last name
  • Phone number
  • Ad­dress, State, Pro­vince, ZIP/Postal code, City
  • Coo­kies and Usage Data

Usage Data

We may also collect in­for­ma­tion how the Ser­vice is ac­cessed and used (“Usage Data”). This Usage Data may in­clude in­for­ma­tion such as your computer’s In­ternet Pro­tocol ad­dress (e.g. IP ad­dress), browser type, browser ver­sion, the pages of our Ser­vice that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique de­vice iden­ti­fiers and other dia­gno­stic data.

Tracking Cookies Data

We use coo­kies and si­milar tracking tech­no­lo­gies to track the ac­ti­vity on our Ser­vice and hold cer­tain information.

Coo­kies are files with small amount of data which may in­clude an an­ony­mous unique iden­ti­fier. Coo­kies are sent to your browser from a web­site and stored on your de­vice. Tracking tech­no­lo­gies also used are be­a­cons, tags, and scripts to collect and track in­for­ma­tion and to im­prove and ana­lyze our Service.

You can in­s­truct your browser to re­fuse all coo­kies or to in­di­cate when a cookie is being sent. Ho­wever, if you do not ac­cept coo­kies, you may not be able to use some por­tions of our Service.

Ex­amples of Coo­kies we use:

  • Ses­sion Coo­kies. We use Ses­sion Coo­kies to ope­rate our Service.
  • Pre­fe­rence Coo­kies. We use Pre­fe­rence Coo­kies to re­member your pre­fe­rences and va­rious settings.
  • Se­cu­rity Coo­kies. We use Se­cu­rity Coo­kies for se­cu­rity purposes.

Use of Data

Karl Georg Scho­bert Prä­zi­sions- Meß­zeug GmbH uses the coll­ected data for va­rious purposes:

  • To pro­vide and main­tain our Service
  • To no­tify you about ch­anges to our Service
  • To allow you to par­ti­ci­pate in in­ter­ac­tive fea­tures of our Ser­vice when you choose to do so
  • To pro­vide cus­tomer support
  • To gather ana­lysis or va­luable in­for­ma­tion so that we can im­prove our Service
  • To mo­nitor the usage of our Service
  • To de­tect, pre­vent and ad­dress tech­nical issues

Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data Under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

If you are from the Eu­ro­pean Eco­nomic Area (EEA), Karl Georg Scho­bert Prä­zi­sions- Meß­zeug GmbH legal basis for coll­ec­ting and using the per­sonal in­for­ma­tion de­scribed in this Pri­vacy Po­licy de­pends on the Per­sonal Data we collect and the spe­cific con­text in which we collect it.

Karl Georg Scho­bert Prä­zi­sions- Meß­zeug GmbH may pro­cess your Per­sonal Data because:

  • We need to per­form a con­tract with you
  • You have given us per­mis­sion to do so
  • The pro­ces­sing is in our le­gi­ti­mate in­te­rests and it’s not over­ridden by your rights
  • To comply with the law

Retention of Data

Karl Georg Scho­bert Prä­zi­sions- Meß­zeug GmbH will re­tain your Per­sonal Data only for as long as is ne­ces­sary for the pur­poses set out in this Pri­vacy Po­licy. We will re­tain and use your Per­sonal Data to the extent ne­ces­sary to comply with our legal ob­li­ga­tions (for ex­ample, if we are re­quired to re­tain your data to comply with ap­pli­cable laws), re­solve dis­putes, and en­force our legal agree­ments and policies.

Karl Georg Scho­bert Prä­zi­sions- Meß­zeug GmbH will also re­tain Usage Data for in­ternal ana­lysis pur­poses. Usage Data is ge­ne­rally re­tained for a shorter pe­riod of time, ex­cept when this data is used to streng­then the se­cu­rity or to im­prove the func­tion­a­lity of our Ser­vice, or we are le­gally ob­li­gated to re­tain this data for longer time periods.

Transfer of Data

Your in­for­ma­tion, in­clu­ding Per­sonal Data, may be trans­ferred to — and main­tained on — com­pu­ters lo­cated out­side of your state, pro­vince, country or other go­vern­mental ju­ris­dic­tion where the data pro­tec­tion laws may differ than those from your jurisdiction.

If you are lo­cated out­side Ger­many and choose to pro­vide in­for­ma­tion to us, please note that we transfer the data, in­clu­ding Per­sonal Data, to Ger­many and pro­cess it there.

Your con­sent to this Pri­vacy Po­licy fol­lowed by your sub­mis­sion of such in­for­ma­tion re­pres­ents your agree­ment to that transfer.

Karl Georg Scho­bert Prä­zi­sions- Meß­zeug GmbH will take all steps re­ason­ably ne­ces­sary to en­sure that your data is treated se­cu­rely and in ac­cordance with this Pri­vacy Po­licy and no transfer of your Per­sonal Data will take place to an or­ga­niza­tion or a country un­less there are ade­quate con­trols in place in­clu­ding the se­cu­rity of your data and other per­sonal information.

Disclosure of Data

Legal Requirements

Karl Georg Scho­bert Prä­zi­sions- Meß­zeug GmbH may dis­c­lose your Per­sonal Data in the good faith be­lief that such ac­tion is ne­ces­sary to:

  • To comply with a legal obligation
  • To pro­tect and de­fend the rights or pro­perty of Karl Georg Scho­bert Prä­zi­sions- Meß­zeug GmbH
  • To pre­vent or in­ves­ti­gate pos­sible wrong­doing in con­nec­tion with the Service
  • To pro­tect the per­sonal safety of users of the Ser­vice or the public
  • To pro­tect against legal liability

Security of Data

The se­cu­rity of your data is im­portant to us, but re­member that no me­thod of trans­mis­sion over the In­ternet, or me­thod of elec­tronic sto­rage is 100% se­cure. While we strive to use com­mer­ci­ally ac­cep­table means to pro­tect your Per­sonal Data, we cannot gua­rantee its ab­so­lute security.

Your Data Protection Rights Under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

If you are a re­si­dent of the Eu­ro­pean Eco­nomic Area (EEA), you have cer­tain data pro­tec­tion rights. Karl Georg Scho­bert Prä­zi­sions- Meß­zeug GmbH aims to take re­asonable steps to allow you to cor­rect, amend, de­lete, or limit the use of your Per­sonal Data.

If you wish to be in­formed what Per­sonal Data we hold about you and if you want it to be re­moved from our sys­tems, please contact us.

In cer­tain cir­cum­s­tances, you have the fol­lo­wing data pro­tec­tion rights:

The right to ac­cess, up­date or to de­lete the in­for­ma­tion we have on you. When­ever made pos­sible, you can ac­cess, up­date or re­quest de­le­tion of your Per­sonal Data di­rectly wi­thin your ac­count set­tings sec­tion. If you are unable to per­form these ac­tions yourself, please contact us to as­sist you.

The right of rec­ti­fi­ca­tion. You have the right to have your in­for­ma­tion rec­ti­fied if that in­for­ma­tion is in­ac­cu­rate or incomplete.

The right to ob­ject. You have the right to ob­ject to our pro­ces­sing of your Per­sonal Data.

The right of rest­ric­tion. You have the right to re­quest that we rest­rict the pro­ces­sing of your per­sonal information.

The right to data por­ta­bi­lity. You have the right to be pro­vided with a copy of the in­for­ma­tion we have on you in a struc­tured, ma­chine-re­a­dable and com­monly used format.

The right to wi­th­draw con­sent. You also have the right to wi­th­draw your con­sent at any time where Karl Georg Scho­bert Prä­zi­sions- Meß­zeug GmbH re­lied on your con­sent to pro­cess your per­sonal information.

Please note that we may ask you to ve­rify your iden­tity be­fore re­spon­ding to such requests.

You have the right to com­plain to a Data Pro­tec­tion Aut­ho­rity about our coll­ec­tion and use of your Per­sonal Data. For more in­for­ma­tion, please contact your local data pro­tec­tion aut­ho­rity in the Eu­ro­pean Eco­nomic Area (EEA).

Service Providers

We may em­ploy third party com­pa­nies and in­di­vi­duals to fa­ci­li­tate our Ser­vice (“Ser­vice Pro­vi­ders”), to pro­vide the Ser­vice on our be­half, to per­form Ser­vice-re­lated ser­vices or to as­sist us in ana­ly­zing how our Ser­vice is used.

These third par­ties have ac­cess to your Per­sonal Data only to per­form these tasks on our be­half and are ob­li­gated not to dis­c­lose or use it for any other purpose.

Links to Other Sites

Our Ser­vice may con­tain links to other sites that are not ope­rated by us. If you click on a third party link, you will be di­rected to that third party’s site. We strongly ad­vise you to re­view the Pri­vacy Po­licy of every site you visit.

We have no con­trol over and as­sume no re­spon­si­bi­lity for the con­tent, pri­vacy po­li­cies or prac­tices of any third party sites or services.

Children’s Privacy

Our Ser­vice does not ad­dress an­yone under the age of 18 (“Children”).

We do not kno­wingly collect per­so­nally iden­ti­fiable in­for­ma­tion from an­yone under the age of 18. If you are a pa­rent or guar­dian and you are aware that your child has pro­vided us with Per­sonal Data, please contact us. If we be­come aware that we have coll­ected Per­sonal Data from children wi­t­hout ve­ri­fi­ca­tion of pa­rental con­sent, we take steps to re­move that in­for­ma­tion from our servers.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may up­date our Pri­vacy Po­licy from time to time. We will no­tify you of any ch­anges by pos­ting the new Pri­vacy Po­licy on this page.

We will let you know via email and/or a pro­mi­nent no­tice on our Ser­vice, prior to the ch­ange be­co­ming ef­fec­tive and up­date the “ef­fec­tive date” at the top of this Pri­vacy Policy.

You are ad­vised to re­view this Pri­vacy Po­licy pe­ri­odi­cally for any ch­anges. Ch­anges to this Pri­vacy Po­licy are ef­fec­tive when they are posted on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any ques­tions about this Pri­vacy Po­licy, please contact us:

  • By email:
  • By phone number: +49 6188 990436
  • By mail: Ben­jamin Sar­toris, Sar­toris GmbH & Co. KG, Beet­ho­venstr. 1, 63791 Karl­stein, Germany

Statutory data protection officer

We have ap­pointed a data pro­tec­tion of­ficer for our company:

Mr. Ben­jamin Sartoris

Sar­toris GmbH & Co. KG
Beet­ho­venstr. 1
63791 Karlstein
Te­le­phone: 06188/990436